Setting up Mist Nets for Bat Survey


Tragus Environmental Consulting, Inc. is a small business devoted to assisting clients with regulatory and permitting issues pertaining to rare and endangered species. Our staff includes a diversity of biologists with backgrounds in vertebrate zoology, fisheries science, botany, and mammalogy. We particularly specialize in Indiana bat ( Myotis sodalis ) surveys and have successfully completed numerous compliance projects for various industries. Our expertise as field scientists and familiarity with the regulatory process facilitate our clients' projects in a timely and efficient manner.

Juvenile Red Bat Identified during Mist Net Survey
Tragus Environmental Consulting, Inc., 37 North Highland Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44303 – 330-472-7013


Copyright © Tragus Environmental Consulting   2006. All Rights Reserved.

Tragus Environmental Consulting, Inc., 37 North Highland Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44303 330-472-7013 Tragus Environmental Consulting, Inc. is a small business with more than 15 years experience as endangered species consultants. We specialize in Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) and gray bat (Myotis grisescens) surveys (mist netting and radio telemetry). Our services include field surveys (mist-netting and radio telemetry) for endangered bats, emergence surveys, habitat surveys, agency coordination, preparation of biological assessments, and Section 7 consultation. We have served clients in all areas of land development including residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, utility, and mining. Tragus is licensed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to work throughout the entire range of the Indiana bat and gray bat.

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